Friday, June 14, 2013

What Should Be The Changes in Diet For Healthy Skin

Lipids, phospholipids, cholesterol, ceramides and free essential fatty acids are a kind of skin barrier, which will help the skin to keep hydrated. Skin without fats become predominated in protein so the skin
looks dehydrated. Intercellular lipids behave as a kind of glue but they require presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids for their production. This glue exists between the skin surfaces, stratum and corneum.

The 2 fatty acids, which are very essential for healthy skin, are omega-3s and 6s. The only real source for them is the nutritious diet.

Foods high in Omega-3s are salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring etc. (All of these are fatty fishes). Another rich sources are flaxseed oil, eggs and grass- feed beef.

Foods full of Omega-6s are evening primrose oil and borage seed oil.

Omega-3s and 6s assist in skin hydration and prevent water from evaporating. However, if you're vegetarian or pregnant and may not eat them, consider taking omega-3s supplements.

Caffeine, Alcohol and dried-out skin
Too much caffeine consumption not just dehydrates your skin, it also makes the arteries constrict. Long term and an excessive amount of use reduce the blood flow and nutrients reaching skin.

In the event of alcohol, a glass of wine every evening while maintaining adequate fluid intake won't make any change. The bottom line is moderation and when you overdo, the effects are to be borne.

Other vitamins and minerals for dry skin
Collagen is really a sponge for skin moisturizing. Ascorbic acid is responsible for smooth functioning from the enzyme that helps in collagen formation.

Zinc, copper and Ascorbic acid when taken together keep your collagen dense and we get plump and hydrated skin.

Do not overdo if already going for a healthy diet
If sufficient fats are members of your daily diet, there is no sense in enhancing the fat intake. It is not likely to show any improvement in skin. Only when you are deficient in certain fats or vitamin in the event you go for making changes in your diet plan.

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