Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Most Health Care Tips During First Pregnancy

First pregnancy is reason behind great excitement for many, but it's also reason for great caution so be cautious. Now that you’re pregnant, health care is most significant. You’ll most likely get advice from everybody. But healthcare during pregnancy depends on you, so it’s vital to equip yourself with information about the numerous methods to keep you and your baby healthy. 

Be aware of importance of health care during pregnancy. They are a few other health problems faced while pregnant. Have a look at these prenatal health issues. Health problems during pregnancy :

Swelling in Fingers, Feet and Ankles

Because the accumulation of water in the body increases while pregnant, your fingers and feet often swell. Doing some simple exercises will reduce this issue. Bending and stretching the finger and feet will lessen the swelling. Similarly, rotating each feet and hand, about 8-10 times can help.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is really a sign of pre-eclampsia. This is usually called as pre-eclamptic toxaemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Headaches, vomiting, abnormal swelling of face, feet and hands, pin below the ribs and blurred vision are the symptoms of this condition.

Small Babies

Some babies grow slowly. This can be due to the reason that the mother has high blood pressure or is a heavy smoker. So, it easier to keep a check on the baby's development in. Once you start feeling the newborn's movements, keep a close watch. If unconditionally you do not feel the baby's movements at any stage speak to your doctor.


Constipation is popular disease during pregnancy and if not control, it may cause some problem on face skin. You need to drink at least 8 portions of water every day. Besides, you have to eat fruits which are impact on aperients such as fig and beet.

Heartburn and Flatulent

Heartburn and flatulent is extremely uncomfortable phenomena during pregnancy. To avoid heartburn, you need to eat less meat and eat moderately instead of eat much in one time. To avoid flatulent, you should eat light foods and steer clear of non-digestible foods.

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